Master Class of
EU Foreign Policy & Democracy Support
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Host: University of Ljubljana
When: 3-12 July 2023
(Event has ended)

(Call for applications is now closed)
Dear students working EU foreign policy or democratization
Soon we will open up the application process to our planned Master Class in Ljubljana
FOR WHOM: This Master Class (MC) is primarily aimed at MA and junior PhD students interested in democracy promotion / support / backsliding and EU foreign policy. The MC is directed at those students that aspire to specialize further in theories of democratization, regional authoritarian resilience, and EU politics. (Senior BA students are also eligible on condition they are planning to specialize on these topics or writing a BA-paper on this topic.)
All full scholarships are reserved for students of affiliated partners of the M.O.R.D.O.R. consortium, but we offer a limited number of partial scholarships to any other student that passes the selection process.
PROGRAM: The Master Class offers a range of lectures on the topics presented as well as dissertation seminars where students can present their ongoing research project to various expert panels staffed by top scholars and policy analysts from at several research institutions of the M.O.R.D.O.R. consortium or affiliated partner organizations. In addition we offer courses on general skills like academic writing, writing policy briefs, applying for funding, etc.
The program is not complete yet and will be updated in various stages, but the draft version can be found here.
Monday 3 July 2023 – Arrival Day
4–11 July – Master Class work days
Wednesday 12 July 2023 – Departure Day
For selected students from universities affiliated with the M.O.R.D.O.R. project we can offer full funding: The project offers each selected applicant: flight tickets, travel insurance, and accommodation (in double rooms), food during working hours for the whole duration of the MC. There are no tuition fees or administrative costs for attending the MC. Upon completion students will receive a certificate of attendance.
For selected non-consortium students, we offer partial funding. (we cover: accommodation, food, tuition fee and administrative costs.) After completion students will also receive a certificate of attendance. Note that partially-funded students will have to arrange their own travel and travel insurance.
All applicants will be selected according to the same criteria.
ELIGIBILITY & SELECTION CRITERIA: When the call for applications will be opened applicants will be required to send the following documents in electronic version (through an application form on the website).
- Application Form
- Scan of proof of enrollment at an eligible partner institution (to be validated by the respective partner)
- Copy of valid travel documents (passport, national ID) for the duration of the event (scan)
- Motivation letter
- Short outline of your BA paper or MA/PhD dissertation topic
- Scan of their BA/MA diploma (with list of grades) or for BA students (transcript of completed years)
- CV (this can be in Europass format)
- Proof of English knowledge at B2 level.
Participating MA/PhD (and senior BA) students will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Academic merit
- The quality of their research plan for their thesis/dissertation
- Level of English (threshold criterion)
- Motivation
- The conformity of their research to the offered lectures & consultations at the MC
- Extracurricular activities related to the MC topic

Venue: Fakulteta za družbene vede / Faculty of Social Sciences
Address: Kardeljeva ploščad 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
Accommodation: (to be updated soon)