Conference program


We are thrilled to announce that a draft programme for the conference has been created and is now available in the conference tool and in pdf format.

Click the link to see the program in pdf format (version from 24-05-2024)

Click the link to see the program (login required) on the Conference Tool (latest version)

Click the link to see the Orientation Info and food options around the venue. 

Please note that the starting point of the informal dinner might be adapted once specific arrangements have been made with the catering. Additionally, we are planning some surprises in the form of cultural events that have not been added to the programme yet, so keep an eye out for these. We will send a separate email once we have these

Each panel will be supplemented with a chair, and their contact information will be made available. Panelists are encouraged (but not required) to share their papers with the chair beforehand, who will double as a reviewer.

(!) If you are a registered presenter and cannot find your contribution in the programme, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will resolve the issue promptly.

In the coming days, we will provide orientation information regarding Ostrava, as well as options for dining, wining (and beer-ing :-).

We are delighted with the diversity and richness of the final programme. We have worked hard to create the most logical panels and minimize parallel sessions at the same time, keeping workshops at the beginning or end of the day for maximum convenience; planning starting times at reasonable hours; and providing long-enough lunch breaks (so panelists can take some fresh air).

We are really looking forward to hosting you all in Ostrava and will be in touch soon with more information.

Warm regards,

Jeroen Van den Bosch

On behalf
of all the conference organizers